Host Families Still Needed For Last Few International Students

Williamsburg Christian Academy is currently seeking Host Families for our incoming class of senior Chinese students.

There is almost no greater service you can perform for God than bringing young people to Christ. Our International Program incorporates students from China to Williamsburg Christian Academy who in many cases have never before heard of Jesus Christ and His life and act of sacrifice for the forgiveness of all our sins and our salvation, or been exposed to the Gospel in the entirety of their lives.

Becoming a Host Family places you in a position to fulfill God’s directive to make disciples of all nations and potentially witness the salvation of one of these students to a life in relationship with God and service and love exemplified by our Savior Jesus Christ. Host families often remark that the process of ministering to these young men and women is transformative for them as well, as their faith is strengthened and honed, and rave about the opportunity they had to be exposed to another culture while immersing their student(s) in American culture as well.

Costs are negligible, and in most cases carry a substantially generous financial benefit to families that host. If you are interested in becoming a host family, or have additional questions and would like to learn more, please contact

and we will contact you as soon as practicable to provide you with all the materials and information at our disposal to allow you to determine if hosting an International student is something you feel called by God to do.

Host Families Still Needed For Last Few International Students

Williamsburg Christian Academy is currently seeking Host Families for our incoming class of senior Chinese students.

There is almost no greater service you can perform for God than bringing young people to Christ. Our International Program incorporates students from China to Williamsburg Christian Academy who in many cases have never before heard of Jesus Christ and His life and act of sacrifice for the forgiveness of all our sins and our salvation, or been exposed to the Gospel in the entirety of their lives.

Becoming a Host Family places you in a position to fulfill God’s directive to make disciples of all nations and potentially witness the salvation of one of these students to a life in relationship with God and service and love exemplified by our Savior Jesus Christ. Host families often remark that the process of ministering to these young men and women is transformative for them as well, as their faith is strengthened and honed, and rave about the opportunity they had to be exposed to another culture while immersing their student(s) in American culture as well.

Costs are negligible, and in most cases carry a substantially generous financial benefit to families that host. If you are interested in becoming a host family, or have additional questions and would like to learn more, please contact

and we will contact you as soon as practicable to provide you with all the materials and information at our disposal to allow you to determine if hosting an International student is something you feel called by God to do.

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