SAT Prep Course Available

The Jamestown High School PTSA is sponsoring a Sylvan Learning SAT or ACT Practice Test Event on Saturday, February 11, 2017 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

All students are invited to participate.  The registration form can be downloaded here.

Some basic information about the test:
Students should arrive by 8:30 am to sign in. Test will be administered in classrooms on the second floor classrooms. Signs will be posted. 
Students will have an opportunity to take a full length SAT or ACT practice test and it is one of the best ways to prepare for the real thing. Students will be provided a free detailed score report highlighting individual strengths and weaknesses and learn strategies to improve test scores. Students will also receive free online tutorials to review incorrect or skipped answers in preparation for the real test. 
Students should bring a calculator, #2 pencils, and a light snack/beverage will be provided. PHONES MAY NOT BE USED DURING THE TEST. 
Registration deadline is FEBRUARY 9th
Please bring $15.00 cash or a check made out to JHS PTSA on the day of test. 
This event is open to all local high school students. Please share this information with your friends – public, private, and home-schooled. 
Seating is limited so please sign up today! 
Any questions contact Amy Unger at or Laura Johnson at 

SAT Prep Course Available

The Jamestown High School PTSA is sponsoring a Sylvan Learning SAT or ACT Practice Test Event on Saturday, February 11, 2017 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

All students are invited to participate.  The registration form can be downloaded here.

Some basic information about the test:
Students should arrive by 8:30 am to sign in. Test will be administered in classrooms on the second floor classrooms. Signs will be posted. 
Students will have an opportunity to take a full length SAT or ACT practice test and it is one of the best ways to prepare for the real thing. Students will be provided a free detailed score report highlighting individual strengths and weaknesses and learn strategies to improve test scores. Students will also receive free online tutorials to review incorrect or skipped answers in preparation for the real test. 
Students should bring a calculator, #2 pencils, and a light snack/beverage will be provided. PHONES MAY NOT BE USED DURING THE TEST. 
Registration deadline is FEBRUARY 9th
Please bring $15.00 cash or a check made out to JHS PTSA on the day of test. 
This event is open to all local high school students. Please share this information with your friends – public, private, and home-schooled. 
Seating is limited so please sign up today! 
Any questions contact Amy Unger at or Laura Johnson at 
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