A Year End Message from the WCA Board of Directors


Dear Families of Williamsburg Christian Academy,

As Williamsburg Christian Academy closes out another school year, we wanted to share a few highlights and upcoming events with our WCA families. Everything is on track as we are preparing to welcome our new Head of School Dr. Dave Breslin and his family to Williamsburg June 15th! For the past several months, Dave has already been actively engaged working with the school leadership to prepare for next year. He is wasting no time getting started, and will be available to meet with parents beginning June 23rd. If you are interested in a meeting with Dave, you can email him directly at Breslind@williamsburgchristian.org, or call the office to schedule a time that is convenient for you.

Although transitions of leadership can be challenging, this past spring we have been extremely fortunate to have Rob Campbell join WCA as the new Head of Administration. Over the recent months, Rob has been working with Dave to prepare for the start of the next school year. Rob’s leadership with overseeing the administrative functions of the school will enable Dave to focus on the needs of our teachers, support staff, and WCA’s students and families. This is truly an amazing time as we work together to begin building for the future, and preparing for the students who will be part of this exciting school year.

The recent Baccalaureate and Commencement ceremonies for our graduates were spectacular, and reminded us of the amazing blessing it is to have a Christ­-centered school here in Williamsburg. As the graduates reflected on their time at WCA, we were all inspired to hear the impact teachers and fellow students had on these young women and men. This was a record ­setting senior class with 26 graduates, WCA’s largest ever, who were offered over $2.6 million in scholarships, which is yet another record. Most importantly, these students have grown in their faith, and deepened their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This foundation will serve them well whether these students remain nearby, or travel long distances to attend college.

As we reflect on this past year, a significant blessing to WCA has definitely been the incredible service of Larry and Jane Vaught – our dynamic duo! Both Larry and Jane made personal sacrifices as they answered the call to serve as our interim Heads of School, and demonstrate their love of Christian education. We are all incredibly thankful for their service and leadership this past year. Although their interim term is completed as Head of School, we are very pleased to announce that Jane Vaught will return as a member of the Board of Directors. We are very thankful for Jane and her desire to volunteer as a Board member, and to continue giving of herself in service to WCA.

One of the recurring challenges we face each year when making preparations for the start of school, is the re­-enrollment that many families routinely put off until later in the summer. As you can imagine, preparing teachers, curriculum, schedules, and classrooms for the start of school is a significant undertaking. We encourage you to take a few minutes to visit the WCA website and begin the re­-enrollment process soon. Particularly this year with Dave Breslin starting as the Head of School, earlier re­-enrollment will also give Dave the opportunity to get to know the students and families well in advance of the start of school.

We pray that everyone will have an enjoyable and relaxing summer as we look forward to the start of another exciting school year!

In His Service, the Williamsburg Christian Academy Board of Directors


Judy Henley              Mike Nice                Susie Calapodas


Stephen Kish             Mike Hall                Mike Prezioso


Jane Vaught              Greg Duncan         Wake Buxton


A Year End Message from the WCA Board of Directors


Dear Families of Williamsburg Christian Academy,

As Williamsburg Christian Academy closes out another school year, we wanted to share a few highlights and upcoming events with our WCA families. Everything is on track as we are preparing to welcome our new Head of School Dr. Dave Breslin and his family to Williamsburg June 15th! For the past several months, Dave has already been actively engaged working with the school leadership to prepare for next year. He is wasting no time getting started, and will be available to meet with parents beginning June 23rd. If you are interested in a meeting with Dave, you can email him directly at Breslind@williamsburgchristian.org, or call the office to schedule a time that is convenient for you.

Although transitions of leadership can be challenging, this past spring we have been extremely fortunate to have Rob Campbell join WCA as the new Head of Administration. Over the recent months, Rob has been working with Dave to prepare for the start of the next school year. Rob’s leadership with overseeing the administrative functions of the school will enable Dave to focus on the needs of our teachers, support staff, and WCA’s students and families. This is truly an amazing time as we work together to begin building for the future, and preparing for the students who will be part of this exciting school year.

The recent Baccalaureate and Commencement ceremonies for our graduates were spectacular, and reminded us of the amazing blessing it is to have a Christ­-centered school here in Williamsburg. As the graduates reflected on their time at WCA, we were all inspired to hear the impact teachers and fellow students had on these young women and men. This was a record ­setting senior class with 26 graduates, WCA’s largest ever, who were offered over $2.6 million in scholarships, which is yet another record. Most importantly, these students have grown in their faith, and deepened their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This foundation will serve them well whether these students remain nearby, or travel long distances to attend college.

As we reflect on this past year, a significant blessing to WCA has definitely been the incredible service of Larry and Jane Vaught – our dynamic duo! Both Larry and Jane made personal sacrifices as they answered the call to serve as our interim Heads of School, and demonstrate their love of Christian education. We are all incredibly thankful for their service and leadership this past year. Although their interim term is completed as Head of School, we are very pleased to announce that Jane Vaught will return as a member of the Board of Directors. We are very thankful for Jane and her desire to volunteer as a Board member, and to continue giving of herself in service to WCA.

One of the recurring challenges we face each year when making preparations for the start of school, is the re­-enrollment that many families routinely put off until later in the summer. As you can imagine, preparing teachers, curriculum, schedules, and classrooms for the start of school is a significant undertaking. We encourage you to take a few minutes to visit the WCA website and begin the re­-enrollment process soon. Particularly this year with Dave Breslin starting as the Head of School, earlier re­-enrollment will also give Dave the opportunity to get to know the students and families well in advance of the start of school.

We pray that everyone will have an enjoyable and relaxing summer as we look forward to the start of another exciting school year!

In His Service, the Williamsburg Christian Academy Board of Directors


Judy Henley              Mike Nice                Susie Calapodas


Stephen Kish             Mike Hall                Mike Prezioso


Jane Vaught              Greg Duncan         Wake Buxton


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