WCA Missions Team Travels to Jamaica

Our Senior Class Missions Team is now in country in Jamaica, where they will be spending time with three charities there.

At Blossom Garden Children’s Home, our missionaries will be spending time with young children who are coming from very tough family environments, with many actually in protective custody (similar to Avalon).

Many of our students will also get the chance to use their American Sign Language skills with members of the Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf. At the school, all students will help with construction of the schools new vocational wing, and a few classrooms.

Lastly, our students will be ministering to children at the West Haven Children’s Home, a home for severely disabled children.

We will continue to share photos from the trip, and will provide a recap following Spring Break!

WCA Missions Team Travels to Jamaica

Our Senior Class Missions Team is now in country in Jamaica, where they will be spending time with three charities there.

At Blossom Garden Children’s Home, our missionaries will be spending time with young children who are coming from very tough family environments, with many actually in protective custody (similar to Avalon).

Many of our students will also get the chance to use their American Sign Language skills with members of the Jamaica Christian School for the Deaf. At the school, all students will help with construction of the schools new vocational wing, and a few classrooms.

Lastly, our students will be ministering to children at the West Haven Children’s Home, a home for severely disabled children.

We will continue to share photos from the trip, and will provide a recap following Spring Break!

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