Join the Club! WCA Rolls Out Extensive List of New Extracurriculars

One of WCA’s main objectives this school year was to add to current extracurricular programs with a group of rich and engaging extracurricular activities in which our students could participate in addition to our arts and athletics programs. The first step to creating an environment for WCA’s extracurricular activities that was free, open and inviting was the conversion of our activities fee from a per activity charge, to an annual fixed fee for all students. This change allows any student to pursue as many extracurricular events they would like, without the pressure on parents of paying an additional fee for each one.

The next step was putting an individual in place to help build and cultivate a group of interesting extracurricular clubs that could be supported by the passions of that person, and the passions of our faculty. Prayers to find that person were answered with the hiring of Donna Walls, our new Student Life Director.

Donna and select faculty and staff members have assembled a slate of clubs that we hope in addition to existing activities will inspire your students to join in and enjoy a fuller WCA experience.  Most of these clubs will be one day a week, two maximum, spread across the five days of the week, allowing for students to be members of several clubs at the same time if they so choose. Here is a listing of the available new clubs and electives available to students this year (Honor Societies, Key Club, Odyssey of the Mind, and regular arts offerings such as Praise Band/Tech Team not included in this list):

Chess Club:

The WCA Chess club is a new offering this year, and has the goal of introducing our students to the ‘Game of Kings’. Over 1400 years old, Chess has been the game of choice for brilliant minds worldwide, and helps develop young minds like almost no other game. Chess Club will be led by staff member Jeff Sullivan, and will meet one day per week from 3:15-5:15PM. Based on interest, we may have Chess Open to as young as third grade.


Public speaking is a great skill to have in life. Parliamentary debate, with its emphasis on impromptu speaking, develops excellent communication skills and teaches you to think on your feet. Students love it because they learn to analyze issues and come up with solutions. They learn organization and clarity, how to persuade and how to listen. Debate also teaches the tricks of the trade — eye contact and effective gestures — and teaches students poise, presence and confidence. Debate will be offerred as an 8th period elective, and we are hoping to have a full fledged extracurricular team for those that cannot fit the class into their schedule.  Mrs. Walls will be the Faculty Advisor for the Eagle Debate Team.

Drama Club:

A new club this school year led by Mr. Dan Stec, students interested in the dramatic arts will convene with each other weekly to look at dramatic techniques and process, learn from classic play productions and other fun activities. This club is not directly associated with our Spring Drama production, but it is hoped that all the participants will consider joining the play!

Eaglegram Student Publishing:

The Eaglegram is our school’s primary electronic newsletter to parents and families. Students in the Student Publishing Division will become part of a team doing real-life work in helping the periodic publishing of the Eaglegram. Participants will focus one one discipline as part of a full web journalist team: Writer, Photographer, Graphic Design, and Editing/Publishing. WCA Digital Media Administrator Jeff Sullivan will oversee this group once per week after school. Middle School students and up.


EcoClub was the brainchild of a student that felt that our students have an imperative from God to care for, protect and keep His Creation beautiful. EcoClub will ask members to help with the establishment of a recycling program at WCA, and will serve WCA by assisting with keeping the grounds clean and planning beautification projects. Eventually, the club may embark in area clean-up efforts, host guest speakers on environmental and green initiatives, and potentially take trips to help in regional clean up events. EcoClub will be initially advised by Mr. Jeff Sullivan. Any student who wants to help may be a member of EcoClub.


French Club:

This club will meet weekly to combine an element of language learning with engagement in cultural activities.  We will share French recipes, plan virtual trips, and enjoy French music, food, and movies.  We will discuss why and how to study French and examine the possible career paths involved.  Seeing cultural differences between the many French speaking countries will allow us to reach and connect with 300 million more people for the gospel.  For students interested in learning French, Ms. Duval would love to take this time to help supplement outside work and practice conversation.  She has a MA in French and has taught it for two years at Penn State University as well as engaging in tutoring, translation and nonprofit work.

Flag Corps:

Flag Corps is a fun activity where students learn to manipulate flags in unison at WCA events and parades.  The main push for this years group will be to plan and practice a flag routine as WCA marches in the Williamsburg Christmas parade. Flag Corps will be open to Middle School and Up.

Mock Trial:

Mock Trial is a way to help students acquire a working knowledge of our judicial system, develop analytical abilities and communication skills, and gain and understanding of their obligations and responsibilities as participating members of our society.  Students will practice and prepare for a full semester.  The students will learn characters, vocabulary, and rules, forming strategy, and working together as a team.  At the end of the semester, the students will put on a live performance of the case before a qualified judge. Mrs. Walls will be the advisor for Mock Trial, which will meet once a week, and will be open to Middle School and up. 

Robotics (First Lego League):

First Lego League is a STEM/Robotics club designed for students aged 11-14, and is designed to teach students STEM concepts in a collaborative, hands-on process, using the popular Lego block toys and devices built with them. Our goal with FLL Robotics is to start a team in Middle School that can grow and improve together competing now, and later in actual robotics competitions as they progress to upper school. FLL Robotics Team will meet once a week, and will be advised by Mrs. Walls.


MORE CLUBS: Don’t forget existing clubs and activities like our Strings Program, Odyssey of the Mind, Praise Band/Tech Team, Key Club, and School Government! 


Join the Club! WCA Rolls Out Extensive List of New Extracurriculars

One of WCA’s main objectives this school year was to add to current extracurricular programs with a group of rich and engaging extracurricular activities in which our students could participate in addition to our arts and athletics programs. The first step to creating an environment for WCA’s extracurricular activities that was free, open and inviting was the conversion of our activities fee from a per activity charge, to an annual fixed fee for all students. This change allows any student to pursue as many extracurricular events they would like, without the pressure on parents of paying an additional fee for each one.

The next step was putting an individual in place to help build and cultivate a group of interesting extracurricular clubs that could be supported by the passions of that person, and the passions of our faculty. Prayers to find that person were answered with the hiring of Donna Walls, our new Student Life Director.

Donna and select faculty and staff members have assembled a slate of clubs that we hope in addition to existing activities will inspire your students to join in and enjoy a fuller WCA experience.  Most of these clubs will be one day a week, two maximum, spread across the five days of the week, allowing for students to be members of several clubs at the same time if they so choose. Here is a listing of the available new clubs and electives available to students this year (Honor Societies, Key Club, Odyssey of the Mind, and regular arts offerings such as Praise Band/Tech Team not included in this list):

Chess Club:

The WCA Chess club is a new offering this year, and has the goal of introducing our students to the ‘Game of Kings’. Over 1400 years old, Chess has been the game of choice for brilliant minds worldwide, and helps develop young minds like almost no other game. Chess Club will be led by staff member Jeff Sullivan, and will meet one day per week from 3:15-5:15PM. Based on interest, we may have Chess Open to as young as third grade.


Public speaking is a great skill to have in life. Parliamentary debate, with its emphasis on impromptu speaking, develops excellent communication skills and teaches you to think on your feet. Students love it because they learn to analyze issues and come up with solutions. They learn organization and clarity, how to persuade and how to listen. Debate also teaches the tricks of the trade — eye contact and effective gestures — and teaches students poise, presence and confidence. Debate will be offerred as an 8th period elective, and we are hoping to have a full fledged extracurricular team for those that cannot fit the class into their schedule.  Mrs. Walls will be the Faculty Advisor for the Eagle Debate Team.

Drama Club:

A new club this school year led by Mr. Dan Stec, students interested in the dramatic arts will convene with each other weekly to look at dramatic techniques and process, learn from classic play productions and other fun activities. This club is not directly associated with our Spring Drama production, but it is hoped that all the participants will consider joining the play!

Eaglegram Student Publishing:

The Eaglegram is our school’s primary electronic newsletter to parents and families. Students in the Student Publishing Division will become part of a team doing real-life work in helping the periodic publishing of the Eaglegram. Participants will focus one one discipline as part of a full web journalist team: Writer, Photographer, Graphic Design, and Editing/Publishing. WCA Digital Media Administrator Jeff Sullivan will oversee this group once per week after school. Middle School students and up.


EcoClub was the brainchild of a student that felt that our students have an imperative from God to care for, protect and keep His Creation beautiful. EcoClub will ask members to help with the establishment of a recycling program at WCA, and will serve WCA by assisting with keeping the grounds clean and planning beautification projects. Eventually, the club may embark in area clean-up efforts, host guest speakers on environmental and green initiatives, and potentially take trips to help in regional clean up events. EcoClub will be initially advised by Mr. Jeff Sullivan. Any student who wants to help may be a member of EcoClub.


French Club:

This club will meet weekly to combine an element of language learning with engagement in cultural activities.  We will share French recipes, plan virtual trips, and enjoy French music, food, and movies.  We will discuss why and how to study French and examine the possible career paths involved.  Seeing cultural differences between the many French speaking countries will allow us to reach and connect with 300 million more people for the gospel.  For students interested in learning French, Ms. Duval would love to take this time to help supplement outside work and practice conversation.  She has a MA in French and has taught it for two years at Penn State University as well as engaging in tutoring, translation and nonprofit work.

Flag Corps:

Flag Corps is a fun activity where students learn to manipulate flags in unison at WCA events and parades.  The main push for this years group will be to plan and practice a flag routine as WCA marches in the Williamsburg Christmas parade. Flag Corps will be open to Middle School and Up.

Mock Trial:

Mock Trial is a way to help students acquire a working knowledge of our judicial system, develop analytical abilities and communication skills, and gain and understanding of their obligations and responsibilities as participating members of our society.  Students will practice and prepare for a full semester.  The students will learn characters, vocabulary, and rules, forming strategy, and working together as a team.  At the end of the semester, the students will put on a live performance of the case before a qualified judge. Mrs. Walls will be the advisor for Mock Trial, which will meet once a week, and will be open to Middle School and up. 

Robotics (First Lego League):

First Lego League is a STEM/Robotics club designed for students aged 11-14, and is designed to teach students STEM concepts in a collaborative, hands-on process, using the popular Lego block toys and devices built with them. Our goal with FLL Robotics is to start a team in Middle School that can grow and improve together competing now, and later in actual robotics competitions as they progress to upper school. FLL Robotics Team will meet once a week, and will be advised by Mrs. Walls.


MORE CLUBS: Don’t forget existing clubs and activities like our Strings Program, Odyssey of the Mind, Praise Band/Tech Team, Key Club, and School Government! 


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