WCA Families, Please Update Your Students’ Medical info in Praxi…Easy How-to Below!

Dear WCA Families,

The yellow medical form you submitted at the beginning of the year has been filled out in Praxi.  However, we are missing some key information regarding the safety and medical components of your child(ren).  As soon as possible, please fill out the medical portion on your Parent Portal.  It is found under “Online Forms”.

Once you click Medical Form, your child(ren) name will appear.  You will need to press the Process button in order to complete the form. 

It is crucial this is filled!  After you fill out medical form, please double check all necessary items as well as completing the date and medical authorization. Then press the “Submit Data” at the bottom of the form.

Thank you so much for your continued partnership!  If you have any questions, please email me at burchr@williamsburgchristian.org or call extension 104.

Rebecca Burch

WCA Families, Please Update Your Students’ Medical info in Praxi…Easy How-to Below!

Dear WCA Families,

The yellow medical form you submitted at the beginning of the year has been filled out in Praxi.  However, we are missing some key information regarding the safety and medical components of your child(ren).  As soon as possible, please fill out the medical portion on your Parent Portal.  It is found under “Online Forms”.

Once you click Medical Form, your child(ren) name will appear.  You will need to press the Process button in order to complete the form. 

It is crucial this is filled!  After you fill out medical form, please double check all necessary items as well as completing the date and medical authorization. Then press the “Submit Data” at the bottom of the form.

Thank you so much for your continued partnership!  If you have any questions, please email me at burchr@williamsburgchristian.org or call extension 104.

Rebecca Burch

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