WCA Freshman Franklin West Wins State Essay Contest

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution sponsors a yearly Junior American Citizens Art and Creative Expression Contest. This year the theme was ‘Our National Parks: 100 Years of Service to America

Student entries (K-12) for this contest are submitted to the local chapter first for outside judging. The Levels of Judging run from Chapter, State, Eastern Division for Virginia all the way through to National Level. There are several categories in which students can enter:

Art: Stamp Design, Poster and Photo Essay
Creative Expression: Short Story and Poem

Williamsburg Christian Academy freshman Franklin West entered the Short Story category, with his submission “Sojourn on THE CANAL”, which chronicled his recent bicycle tour of the extensive Pennsylvania and New York canal system with the Boy Scouts, and how that trip would not have been possible if not for the existence of Virginia’s State Park System. His entry earned First Place (9th Grade) on the Williamsburg Chapter Level. Only first place chapter winners in each category are sent to the state level.

Franklin’s submission then earned a First Place Virginia State Award Certificate for the Short Story, from an entry pool of the best submissions in all 125 DAR Chapters statewide. Franklin received his certificate at WCA’s Upper School Awards ceremony on May 30th.

How to Enter in 2017-2018

Next year’s theme of the Junior American Citizens Art and Creative Expression Contest 2017 is ‘100th Anniversary of World War I: On the Home Front.’

WCA students are invited to enter this contest in all categories and grade levels. Materials will be given to school heads to be distributed to teachers PK-12 in August, 2017.

Due date for entries will be Tuesday, December 5, 2017 – All Entries will be picked up in the school office .


Pictured: Franklin West receiving Certificate from Mary Sue Dougherty, Junior American Citizens & Community Classroom Chairwoman of the Williamsburg Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR)

WCA Freshman Franklin West Wins State Essay Contest

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution sponsors a yearly Junior American Citizens Art and Creative Expression Contest. This year the theme was ‘Our National Parks: 100 Years of Service to America

Student entries (K-12) for this contest are submitted to the local chapter first for outside judging. The Levels of Judging run from Chapter, State, Eastern Division for Virginia all the way through to National Level. There are several categories in which students can enter:

Art: Stamp Design, Poster and Photo Essay
Creative Expression: Short Story and Poem

Williamsburg Christian Academy freshman Franklin West entered the Short Story category, with his submission “Sojourn on THE CANAL”, which chronicled his recent bicycle tour of the extensive Pennsylvania and New York canal system with the Boy Scouts, and how that trip would not have been possible if not for the existence of Virginia’s State Park System. His entry earned First Place (9th Grade) on the Williamsburg Chapter Level. Only first place chapter winners in each category are sent to the state level.

Franklin’s submission then earned a First Place Virginia State Award Certificate for the Short Story, from an entry pool of the best submissions in all 125 DAR Chapters statewide. Franklin received his certificate at WCA’s Upper School Awards ceremony on May 30th.

How to Enter in 2017-2018

Next year’s theme of the Junior American Citizens Art and Creative Expression Contest 2017 is ‘100th Anniversary of World War I: On the Home Front.’

WCA students are invited to enter this contest in all categories and grade levels. Materials will be given to school heads to be distributed to teachers PK-12 in August, 2017.

Due date for entries will be Tuesday, December 5, 2017 – All Entries will be picked up in the school office .


Pictured: Franklin West receiving Certificate from Mary Sue Dougherty, Junior American Citizens & Community Classroom Chairwoman of the Williamsburg Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR)

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