An Update from the WCA Board of Directors

The following letter was sent to all parents registered in Praxi as of Jul 9th from the WCA Board. If you are not receiving these emails, please contact our registrar, Rebecca Burch to ensure your email is current in our system. 

Dear WCA families,

Summer greetings from the WCA Board of Directors! We pray that your summer weeks are providing times of refreshment and relaxation for all of you. In the interest of keeping you up to date, the Board would like to share some things that are happening over the summer.

  1. Mike Hall completed his 3-year term on the Board as Vice Chairman at the beginning of the summer. We are so grateful for his service and ideas! Doug Kinder was elected as the new Vice Chairman.
    wca board - jones
  2. We are so excited to welcome Robin Jones as our newest Board member! Robin and her family attend Williamsburg Community Chapel and she has been a teacher for over 25 years. She currently serves as a middle school teacher in the WJCC School System, and we are so glad to have another experienced educator on the Board. Welcome, Robin!
  3. Did you know that there are partial scholarships available for WCA students? Tell your friends and neighbors they can call Rob Campbell here at the school to discuss possibilities. Also, we want to remind you, your family will receive a $500 tuition credit if you refer a family to WCA that enrolls their child(ren)!
  4. The Head of School Search Committee has been working hard. We have received 19 quality resumes and have created a list of vital qualities to be found in our new Head of School. We compare our list to the resumes as they come in and will begin interviews with the best candidates.
  5. We ask that you keep the faculty, staff, and administration in your prayers as they prepare for the upcoming school year. we also ask you to keep the WCA Board of Directors and the search committee in prayer as they continue to seek the Lord’s guidance for the next Head of School at WCA.

Please let us know if you have questions or suggestions (

In His Service,

The WCA Board of Directors

An Update from the WCA Board of Directors

The following letter was sent to all parents registered in Praxi as of Jul 9th from the WCA Board. If you are not receiving these emails, please contact our registrar, Rebecca Burch to ensure your email is current in our system. 

Dear WCA families,

Summer greetings from the WCA Board of Directors! We pray that your summer weeks are providing times of refreshment and relaxation for all of you. In the interest of keeping you up to date, the Board would like to share some things that are happening over the summer.

  1. Mike Hall completed his 3-year term on the Board as Vice Chairman at the beginning of the summer. We are so grateful for his service and ideas! Doug Kinder was elected as the new Vice Chairman.
    wca board - jones
  2. We are so excited to welcome Robin Jones as our newest Board member! Robin and her family attend Williamsburg Community Chapel and she has been a teacher for over 25 years. She currently serves as a middle school teacher in the WJCC School System, and we are so glad to have another experienced educator on the Board. Welcome, Robin!
  3. Did you know that there are partial scholarships available for WCA students? Tell your friends and neighbors they can call Rob Campbell here at the school to discuss possibilities. Also, we want to remind you, your family will receive a $500 tuition credit if you refer a family to WCA that enrolls their child(ren)!
  4. The Head of School Search Committee has been working hard. We have received 19 quality resumes and have created a list of vital qualities to be found in our new Head of School. We compare our list to the resumes as they come in and will begin interviews with the best candidates.
  5. We ask that you keep the faculty, staff, and administration in your prayers as they prepare for the upcoming school year. we also ask you to keep the WCA Board of Directors and the search committee in prayer as they continue to seek the Lord’s guidance for the next Head of School at WCA.

Please let us know if you have questions or suggestions (

In His Service,

The WCA Board of Directors

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