Book Fair Starts This Week and Culminates in Book Bazaar & Breakfast on Thursday

This week is Book week at WCA! Both the Scholastic Book Fair and the 4th Annual Book Bazaar are both this week. The Book Fair provides an opportunity for parents to purchase new books for their kids to encourage their love for reading. The Book Fair week culminates with the 4th Annual Book Bazaar, where our students will display book projects they have made, starting with our newest Book Bazaar tradition, the ‘Parade of books.’ The Book Bazaar and Breakfast Buffet is April 19, 2018, from 8:30 – 9:30 AM.

Here is a summary of the agenda for the morning of the Book Bazaar:

All classes will be able to present to our guests, except for the following times when they are free to view the displays of other classes as listed below:

K – 8:50 – 9:10

1 – 8:50 – 9:00

2/3 – 9:00 – 9:10

4/5  – 9:10 – 9:20

Our Lower School Presentations


The kindergarten students are presenting information they learned through the literary exploration of author Laura Numeroff.  The students read fiction books such as If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, If You Give a Moose a Muffin, and If You Give a Pig a Pancake.  The students enjoyed comparing/contrasting several books as well as learning about characters, setting and cause/effect.  They then wrote their own copycat book. Stop by and ask our “characters” about their book and enjoy a tasty treat.

First Grade

The First Grade is excited to share their original writings based on the author Lucille Colandro’s books of There was an old Lady.  The students have chosen a topic they want to write about and have worked hard on original ideas, rhyming words, and illustrations.  They will be presenting their books dressed in their themes, along with items from their story. Enjoy the creative minds of these sweet First graders.

Second and Third Grades

Our second and third-grade class has been studying the author Patricia Polacco. Ms. Polacco uses a lot of personal stories and experiences in her books. After reading many of her books, the students participated in a book tasting.  A book tasting requires students to look at the covers, summary, and pictures, and then to skim through the pages. After each ‘tasting’ they decide if this is a book that they would like to read. The students tasted about five books each, and they ranked their top three. They then chose to present their books in one of three ways. They will provide information about Patricia Polacco’s life and how it influenced her writing. Students will discuss characters, theme, setting, text-to-text connections and more! After a lot of hard work, they are eager to present their projects!  

Fourth and Fifth Grades

The 4th and 5th graders will be celebrating their favorite books and their favorite authors, by creating a variety of projects which they will be making into parade floats for our book bazaar. The projects will display information about their favorite authors and will show their favorite scenes and characters from the stories they most enjoy! Please watch as we walk through the cafetorium to promote and share the literature we love with our friends and family.  And please feel free to engage in conversation with us about our projects! We can’t wait to share them with you!

Our Sincere Thanks…

Ms. Naylor and the Lower School students would like to thank our office staff, our custodial staff, Mrs. Flanagan, Mrs. Meisinger, and Mrs. Duran, for helping to make this Reading event, in conjunction with the Book Fair, very fun and successful! We thank our teachers, who inspire us to excel every day, in everything we do. And most importantly, we thank you, our parents and guardians, for supporting us in all of our reading and learning adventures.  

Book Fair Starts This Week and Culminates in Book Bazaar & Breakfast on Thursday

This week is Book week at WCA! Both the Scholastic Book Fair and the 4th Annual Book Bazaar are both this week. The Book Fair provides an opportunity for parents to purchase new books for their kids to encourage their love for reading. The Book Fair week culminates with the 4th Annual Book Bazaar, where our students will display book projects they have made, starting with our newest Book Bazaar tradition, the ‘Parade of books.’ The Book Bazaar and Breakfast Buffet is April 19, 2018, from 8:30 – 9:30 AM.

Here is a summary of the agenda for the morning of the Book Bazaar:

All classes will be able to present to our guests, except for the following times when they are free to view the displays of other classes as listed below:

K – 8:50 – 9:10

1 – 8:50 – 9:00

2/3 – 9:00 – 9:10

4/5  – 9:10 – 9:20

Our Lower School Presentations


The kindergarten students are presenting information they learned through the literary exploration of author Laura Numeroff.  The students read fiction books such as If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, If You Give a Moose a Muffin, and If You Give a Pig a Pancake.  The students enjoyed comparing/contrasting several books as well as learning about characters, setting and cause/effect.  They then wrote their own copycat book. Stop by and ask our “characters” about their book and enjoy a tasty treat.

First Grade

The First Grade is excited to share their original writings based on the author Lucille Colandro’s books of There was an old Lady.  The students have chosen a topic they want to write about and have worked hard on original ideas, rhyming words, and illustrations.  They will be presenting their books dressed in their themes, along with items from their story. Enjoy the creative minds of these sweet First graders.

Second and Third Grades

Our second and third-grade class has been studying the author Patricia Polacco. Ms. Polacco uses a lot of personal stories and experiences in her books. After reading many of her books, the students participated in a book tasting.  A book tasting requires students to look at the covers, summary, and pictures, and then to skim through the pages. After each ‘tasting’ they decide if this is a book that they would like to read. The students tasted about five books each, and they ranked their top three. They then chose to present their books in one of three ways. They will provide information about Patricia Polacco’s life and how it influenced her writing. Students will discuss characters, theme, setting, text-to-text connections and more! After a lot of hard work, they are eager to present their projects!  

Fourth and Fifth Grades

The 4th and 5th graders will be celebrating their favorite books and their favorite authors, by creating a variety of projects which they will be making into parade floats for our book bazaar. The projects will display information about their favorite authors and will show their favorite scenes and characters from the stories they most enjoy! Please watch as we walk through the cafetorium to promote and share the literature we love with our friends and family.  And please feel free to engage in conversation with us about our projects! We can’t wait to share them with you!

Our Sincere Thanks…

Ms. Naylor and the Lower School students would like to thank our office staff, our custodial staff, Mrs. Flanagan, Mrs. Meisinger, and Mrs. Duran, for helping to make this Reading event, in conjunction with the Book Fair, very fun and successful! We thank our teachers, who inspire us to excel every day, in everything we do. And most importantly, we thank you, our parents and guardians, for supporting us in all of our reading and learning adventures.  

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