WCA’s New Lower School Curriculum: What is Changing and What is New

The curriculum of Williamsburg Christian Academy encompasses our school mission, culture, and instructional philosophy.  It provides students with experiences and skills that prepare them to be informed, inquisitive and empowered members of society.  Students will become perpetual learners in all environments, able to work constructively with diverse groups of people towards a common goal.

WCA’s Curriculum Engineering Project is the complete revamping of our K3-12 curriculum.   For the past year and a half, over 100 curriculum models from top Christian, secular independent, and public schools have been researched, studied, and compared to the current WCA curriculum.  Taking our mission and vision into account, the new curriculum has started to be written to match WCA’s Portrait of a Graduate document. The end result of this work, we believe, will be a new model that will help bring WCA’s academic program to the forefront of Christian education and provide our students with the program necessary to be incredibly well prepared for a life-long journey of learning.  The goal is for our students to be appropriately challenged according to their abilities and to create meaningful, succinct, organized, and effective academic experiences. Although our teachers were doing an excellent job individually in teaching core subjects, the new curriculum has organized classroom syllabi to a greater degree for a more streamlined and efficient educational track to maximize the depth and robustness of the learning experiences.

The lower school curriculum (click here to view) is the first step in the project becoming a reality: our new plan for lower school Bible, Social Studies, and Science.  Implementation will begin in August, 2018. Among some of the planned changes and additions:

-formal lab work in upper school labs beginning in the 4th grade
-major projects each year focusing on a specific core element of each grades’ curriculum, such as 2nd-grade Microsociety (Social Studies), 3rd-grade Living Bible Museum (Bible), and 5th-grade ‘Invention Convention’ (Science).
-Engagement of students in academic competitions to showcase what they are learning and demonstrate to them how effectively they are learning, to foster self-confidence and to provide additional achievement feedback.

Check back later this spring for an update on middle school, upper school, and early childhood curriculum adjustments!


WCA’s New Lower School Curriculum: What is Changing and What is New

The curriculum of Williamsburg Christian Academy encompasses our school mission, culture, and instructional philosophy.  It provides students with experiences and skills that prepare them to be informed, inquisitive and empowered members of society.  Students will become perpetual learners in all environments, able to work constructively with diverse groups of people towards a common goal.

WCA’s Curriculum Engineering Project is the complete revamping of our K3-12 curriculum.   For the past year and a half, over 100 curriculum models from top Christian, secular independent, and public schools have been researched, studied, and compared to the current WCA curriculum.  Taking our mission and vision into account, the new curriculum has started to be written to match WCA’s Portrait of a Graduate document. The end result of this work, we believe, will be a new model that will help bring WCA’s academic program to the forefront of Christian education and provide our students with the program necessary to be incredibly well prepared for a life-long journey of learning.  The goal is for our students to be appropriately challenged according to their abilities and to create meaningful, succinct, organized, and effective academic experiences. Although our teachers were doing an excellent job individually in teaching core subjects, the new curriculum has organized classroom syllabi to a greater degree for a more streamlined and efficient educational track to maximize the depth and robustness of the learning experiences.

The lower school curriculum (click here to view) is the first step in the project becoming a reality: our new plan for lower school Bible, Social Studies, and Science.  Implementation will begin in August, 2018. Among some of the planned changes and additions:

-formal lab work in upper school labs beginning in the 4th grade
-major projects each year focusing on a specific core element of each grades’ curriculum, such as 2nd-grade Microsociety (Social Studies), 3rd-grade Living Bible Museum (Bible), and 5th-grade ‘Invention Convention’ (Science).
-Engagement of students in academic competitions to showcase what they are learning and demonstrate to them how effectively they are learning, to foster self-confidence and to provide additional achievement feedback.

Check back later this spring for an update on middle school, upper school, and early childhood curriculum adjustments!


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