Careers at WCA


Williamsburg Christian Academy seeks individuals that are excited about joining a team that is on the move!  We seek qualified, dedicated professionals team players who love working with young people, have a strong Christian faith, and want to make a lasting impact on a school community.  In addition, we look for faculty, staff, and coaches that aren’t afraid to innovate and create new systems of operation.  If this description fits you, we urge you to consider applying for positions that are listed below.  

A Common Vision

Williamsburg Christian Academy is passionate about its vision to co-labor with parents and the Christian community to educate young adults to possess:

  • A lifelong desire to think critically with Truth being the core foundation
  • A visible and deepening personal relationship with Christ and the confidence to share His love
  • Excellent linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, physical and social skills
  • Christ-centered spiritual and moral values
  • A sense of God’s calling to joyful and consistent service

Therefore, it is imperative for the Academy to hire the most spiritually and emotionally mature followers of Jesus Christ who can minister to co-workers, parents, and students from a deeply Biblical worldview and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

"I believe that the purpose of education is to equip children to live meaningful lives. As a learning facilitator, my goal is to help my students build the skills and habits they will need to live a life of excellence both in and out of the classroom. My hope is to inspire my students to be all that God created them to be. " - WCA Teacher

Current Open Faculty Positions  Lower School Learning Facilitator Preschool Assistant

Current Open Faculty Positions 

Open faculty and leadership positions can be accessed by clicking the tabs in this table. 

Currently sought positions at this time: 

  • Upper School History/ Humanities Learning Facilitator
  • Lower School Learning Facilitator


NOTE: Williamsburg Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, gender, age, or military service in the hiring of any staff including administrative, teaching, professional, or support staff. Please complete the employment application provided below. For faculty positions, the following forms will be included in each position description:

  • Application
  • Resume
  • Written answers to the Interview Questions
  • Applicable reference forms

Lower School Learning Facilitator

Ministry Position Description

Position Title: Lower School Learning Facilitator (Kindergarten – 5th Grade)  

Reports to: Head of School

Classification: Exempt; Salaried, 40 hours/week; 11 months

Date Revised: January 11, 2024

Principal Function

       The Lower School Learning Facilitator shall be a college graduate that is able to utilize valid teaching techniques and best practices, consistent with the International Baccalaureate Program, to achieve curriculum goals and promote student learning. The Learning Facilitator will be able to demonstrate mastery of all relevant content.  In addition, the Learning Facilitator will integrate a biblical worldview and a Christian philosophy of education throughout the curriculum and model a consistent daily walk with Jesus Christ in speech, actions, and attitude. 

Core Functions:

  • Consistently review and update all applicable curriculum maps to accurately reflect learning outcomes for each subject/content area
  • Develop lesson plans to identify essential learning outcomes, relevant resources, and other important details to ensure effective instruction and classroom management. This should be available to the Lower School Dean for review and feedback upon request
  • Establish a class culture that is consistent with the Mission and Vision of Williamsburg Christian Academy
  • Maintain clear and effective expectations for conduct in all WCA spaces
  • Create a learning environment that enables students to develop collaborative skills
  • Utilize interventions to support each child’s strengths and areas of need
  • Develop assignments and projects that engage a student’s critical thinking skills
  • Employ a variety of methods, instructional aides, and materials that will provide for creative teaching to reach the whole child – spiritually, intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally
  • Upload and maintain weekly newsletters, important classroom announcements, grade appropriate modules, and activities into Williamsburg Christian Academy’s Learning Management System
  • Utilize the Learning Management System for direct communication with parents
  • Utilize WCA’s Learning Management System to maintain a secure academic environment for all students and engage passive learners
  • Participate in professional development opportunities offered by WCA to enhance professional skill
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the HOS to support the Division.
  • Notify the HOS promptly if you are unable to fulfill any duty assigned

Supplemental Functions

  • Begin each class with prayer and, when appropriate, pray with and for students.
  • Record class attendance in the WCA software system for each class within the first 10 minutes of the start of the school day.  This process is critical to the safety and security of the WCA community and lack of attention to this requirement will not be tolerated.
  • Update WCA software with assignments and grades every week (at a minimum).  This requirement is of utmost importance in communication with parents and an aide to students who are at home for medical reasons.
  • Regularly check and respond to voicemail and email messages within 24 hours in a gracious and professional manner.
  • Participate in parent-teacher individual/group conferences involving parents of any student they teach.
  • Maintain a high regard for the confidential information of each student and their family.  Any form of gossip is not biblical and will not be tolerated.  If you have a question concerning appropriate behavior as it relates to confidentiality, you are to address the matter only with the Lower School Principal for direction.
  • Perform all administrative duties assigned as part of the teaching position including, but not limited to: hall duty, lunch supervision, dismissal duty, devotional presentation, bulletin board responsibilities.
  • Maintain required teacher certifications, not allowing any lapse of their certification.
  • Collaborate with the Lower School team to provide for a productive and effective program.

Physical Requirements

  • Lift books/materials for storage and delivery (approx. 25 pounds)
  • Walk/stand several times each week for 30 minutes to teach or supervise classes
  • Walk/stand within a classroom setting, bending, and stooping periodically to assist students
  • Manipulate hands and fingers with dexterity to operate a computer keyboard

Preschool Assistant

Ministry Position Description Position Title: Preschool Assistant Reports to: Preschool Coordinator Classification: Non-exempt; Salaried, 40 hours/week; 12 Months Date Revised: July 30, 2024 Principal Function The WCA Preschool Assistant will work under the guidance of the Lead Teacher to facilitate a safe and loving, hands on learning environment in which the whole child is instructed using developmentally appropriate practices. These responsibilities should be conducted in a manner that promotes integrity and confidence in the WCA community. Recurring Duties: ● Working under the direction of the Lead Teacher, the Preschool Assistant helps to carry out weekly plans and implementation of age-appropriate lessons to nurture the spiritual, social- emotional, cognitive, fine and gross motor, and language skills. ● Must have the ability to be flexible and think creatively and quickly to make adjustment to lessons when necessary ● Maintain a professional, healthy, safe, clean, and developmentally appropriate classroom environment that reflects children’s learning and growth. ● Must be a wise steward and responsible with supplies ● Helps to prepare narrative evaluations three times annually. ● Collaborates, communicates, and works well with the Early Childhood team of teachers and assistants and the Preschool Coordinator to ensure a smooth and efficient classroom and positive working team environment ● Facilitate the building of good communication and relationships with parents ● Address student disciplinary needs in conjunction with WCA’s mission and vision ● Attending staff meetings, special school events, and open houses ● Complete regular care for classroom and supplies Other General Responsibilities ● Continuing submission to the Lordship of Christ in every area of life, the acquisition of and obedience to scriptural knowledge, continual growth toward maturity in Christ, and consistency of Christian behavior; ● To maintain devotions in your home, to educate in Christian doctrine, and to pray for the salvation of your family; ● To be actively involved in the life of the school; to be loyal to its programs; to pray regularly for its ministry, leadership, staff, parents, and children; to manifest a tender regard for their reputation; to contribute to its support with time and finances as God prospers you; ● To pray for those outside the body of Christ, to honor obligations and commitments to them, and as opportunity and ability enable, to commend the Gospel of Christ to them. Physical Requirements ● Preschoolers are energetic and require constant attention and carefully planned activities. To successfully meet the physical requirements of the essential duties, teachers must interact with children in an energetic, positive and encouraging manner. ● Teachers must be able to sit on the floor, lift a child up to 50 lbs. and move quickly on his/her feet. ● Teachers may come in contact with children who are ill and/or contagious and must take precautions to ensure the health and safety of all children, parents, staff and themselves. ● Teachers work in a busy and noisy environment and must be able to function in such an environment. There may be a number of activities and situations happening at once, and the Preschool Teacher will supervise students at all times. ● Push and hold side entrance door many times morning and afternoon ● Lift books/materials for storage and delivery (approx 25 pounds) ● Walk/stand/sit/bend/stoop/squat daily to supervise, monitor, teach, etc. Must have full range of motion. ● Hear a variety of sounds in a noisy atmosphere (cafeteria, gymnasium) and recognize the difference between them ● Distinguish tone of voice to interpret the difference between a joyful child and a distressed one ● See details of objects and analyze the activities of children more than a few feet away ● Manipulate hands and fingers with dexterity Qualification Requirements The Preschool Assistant Teacher must have one of the following levels of educational training: 1. Current Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential administered by the Council for Professional Development or equivalent authorized agency 2. State teacher assistant credential or college coursework in early childhood education 3. 60 documented (accrued) clock hours of professional development in early childhood 4. Professional Growth Plan developed, approved and monitored annually by the teacher and the EE director. This Professional Growth Plan is updated annually.
Current Open Staff Positions 

Current Open Staff Positions 

Open non-faculty and leadership positions can be accessed by clicking the tabs in this table. 

Currently sought positions at this time: 

  • None at this time

NOTE: Williamsburg Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, gender, age, or military service in the hiring of any staff including administrative, teaching, professional, or support staff. Please complete the employment application provided below. For staff positions, please help us by providing the following items (Click to download each form or visit link):

Current Open Athletic Positions 

Current Open Athletic Positions 

Open non-faculty and leadership positions can be accessed by clicking the tabs in this table. 

No open positions at this time.

NOTE: Williamsburg Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, gender, age, or military service in the hiring of any staff including administrative, teaching, professional, or support staff. Please complete the employment application provided below. For faculty positions, please help us by providing the following items (Click to download each form):

  • Staff Application
  • Resume

Careers at WCA


Williamsburg Christian Academy seeks individuals that are excited about joining a team that is on the move!  We seek qualified, dedicated professionals team players who love working with young people, have a strong Christian faith, and want to make a lasting impact on a school community.  In addition, we look for faculty, staff, and coaches that aren’t afraid to innovate and create new systems of operation.  If this description fits you, we urge you to consider applying for positions that are listed below.  

A Common Vision

Williamsburg Christian Academy is passionate about its vision to co-labor with parents and the Christian community to educate young adults to possess:

  • A lifelong desire to think critically with Truth being the core foundation
  • A visible and deepening personal relationship with Christ and the confidence to share His love
  • Excellent linguistic, mathematical, scientific, artistic, physical and social skills
  • Christ-centered spiritual and moral values
  • A sense of God’s calling to joyful and consistent service

Therefore, it is imperative for the Academy to hire the most spiritually and emotionally mature followers of Jesus Christ who can minister to co-workers, parents, and students from a deeply Biblical worldview and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

"I believe that the purpose of education is to equip children to live meaningful lives. As a learning facilitator, my goal is to help my students build the skills and habits they will need to live a life of excellence both in and out of the classroom. My hope is to inspire my students to be all that God created them to be. " - WCA Teacher

Current Open Faculty Positions  Substitute Learning Facilitators

Current Open Faculty Positions 

Open faculty and leadership positions can be accessed by clicking the tabs in this table. 



NOTE: Williamsburg Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, gender, age, or military service in the hiring of any staff including administrative, teaching, professional, or support staff. Please complete the employment application provided below. For faculty positions, please help us by providing the following items (Click to download each form):

  • Application
  • Resume
  • Written answers to the Interview Questions
  • Applicable reference forms

Substitute Learning Facilitators

Our substitute teaching corps is an important part of our ability to function day to day when our full-time Learning Facilitators are out sick or have a requirement that will keep them out of work for a short or extended period of time. As with all our educator positions, we require substitutes to have suitable classroom management experience and a solid Christian background. Serving as a substitute can be rewarding work for retired educators, or can be a great way to familiarize yourself with our administration should a full-time LF position open up.

Our Substitute application is now online! Just click here to visit our secure online application page. 

Current Open Staff Positions 

Current Open Staff Positions 


Open non-faculty and leadership positions can be accessed by clicking the tabs in this table. 


NOTE: Williamsburg Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, gender, age, or military service in the hiring of any staff including administrative, teaching, professional, or support staff. Please complete the employment application provided below. For faculty positions, please help us by providing the following items (Click to download each form):

  • Staff Application
  • Resume
Current Open Athletic Positions  Lacrosse Program Lead/Head Coach

Current Open Athletic Positions 


Open athletic coaching positions can be accessed by clicking the tabs in this table. 


NOTE: Williamsburg Christian Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, gender, age, or military service in the hiring of any staff including administrative, teaching, professional, or support staff. Please complete the employment application provided below. For faculty positions, please help us by providing the following items (Click to download each form):

  • Non-Teacher Application
  • Resume

Lacrosse Program Lead/Head Coach


Position Title: Founding Lacrosse Program Coaches (grades 3-12)
Reports to: Athletic Director
Collaborates with: Head of School; Enrollment Manager
Classification: Non-Exempt; Hourly; 11 Months
Date Prepared/Revised: Oct 6, 2021
Prospective Start Date: July 1, 2022


Williamsburg Christian Academy’s Founding Coaches will work to build the ministry’s day and boarding enrollment at each division level by attracting gifted students and talented athletes through the game of Lacrosse within the context of Christ-centered fellowship and worship. The Lower School LAX founding coach will build and operate a competitive Junior Eagles intramural program at the elementary school level. The Girls LAX founding coach will build and promote the growth of an elite Upper School program for young ladies that is recognized regionally and nationally and ultimately prepares girls for Women’s Lacrosse at the most prestigious college programs. The Boys LAX founding Coach will build and
promote a regionally and nationally recognized Boys Lacrosse program in the Upper School that prepares young men for success at the collegiate level.

Primary Responsibilities:

• Incorporate teachings of Christ and imbue scriptural foundation into young people through the game of lacrosse
• Grow day student interest in Lacrosse participation through development of Junior Eagles competitive intramural teams and summer LAX camps
• Collaborate with Admissions office to attract girls boarding Upper School students through LAX
• Collaborate with Admissions office to grow boys Upper School boarding students through LAX
• Collaborate with Head of School and Enrollment Manager to prepare targeted messaging for national and international recruitment of LAX student-athletes
• Collaborate with Athletic Director to develop all Junior Eagles and Upper School LAX schedules
• Collaborate with Head of School and Head of Administration to develop a comprehensive LAX budget
• Develop Upper School girls and boys interscholastic LAX schedule
• Travel as necessary with Admissions Office and Head of School to build LAX program exposure
• Develop strong relationships with Women’s and Men’s LAX college coaches throughout the United States
• Collaborate with ministry leadership to fundraise for LAX supplies and equipment
• Model a Christ-Centered walk for young people

Physical Requirements

• Lift sports equipment for storage and use (approx. 25-50 pounds).
• Walk/stand several times each day for 30-90 minutes to coach or supervise practice.
• Walk/stand within a field setting, bending, and stooping periodically to assist players.
• Manipulate hands and fingers with dexterity to operate a computer keyboard.
• Distinguish tone of voice to interpret the difference between a joyful student and a distressedone.
• See details of objects and analyze the activities of players more than a few feet away.

Other General Responsibilities

• Continuing submission to the Lordship of Christ in every area of life, the acquisition of and obedience to scriptural knowledge, continual growth toward maturity in Christ, and consistency of Christian behavior.
• Maintaining devotions in your home, to educate in Christian doctrine, and to pray for the salvation of your family.
• Honoring the members of the Governing Board, esteem and love them; to pray for them regularly; to submit to them in the exercise of their duties; and to manifest a tender regard for their reputation.
• Being actively involved in the life of the school; to be loyal to its programs; to pray regularly for its ministry, leadership, staff, parents, and children; to manifest a tender regard for their reputation; to contribute to its support with time and finances as God prospers you.
• Praying for those outside the body of Christ, to honor obligations and commitments to them, and as opportunity and ability enable, to commend the Gospel of Christ to them.

To apply, please send a cover letter outlining why you are a match for this position and a resume to, along with a completed Employment Application.

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